Saturday, January 31, 2009

Too Long Overdue

It's been so long since I posted, that I'm sure I've been written off in blogging anonymity (is that a word??)... but for any who might still be checking in now and again...I should at least give you a reason.

In short, life it is always a-changin'. And frankly, the older I get the more tricky it gets to keep up with it all!

People have always asked me how it was to have 4 kids - all spread out in age so much. And I honesty could answer them that it really wasn't so hard.... I have great kids, who MOST of the time, get along pretty well - and enjoy hanging out with each other and even their old parents. And I never really felt it was any harder than having kids staggered 2 years apart, as is so fashionable.

Until now.

I've actually started feeling a little schizophrenic lately. In one day... I am putting band-aids (plasters to my South African friends) on my 7 year olds boo boo, then I'm discussing the nuances of bridal veils with my 20 year old. I'm running kids to swimming, then I'm accompanying eldest daughter and her lifelong buddy to the wedding venue to discuss menues and such.

Add to this my new found enjoyment in the whole "career woman" phase of life (which, I believe would have been a perfect match to the "mother of the bride" phase). The biggest problem is that I haven't yet finished the "PTA Mom" phase. And this phase is really really important - not for me, but for the little beings that I am entrusted with. And I also have the ever present part of me that enjoys the "Outreach Worker" phase - which isn't really a phase, but more of a forever part of who I am.

What happens when all of these phases collide in one cataclysmic moment? Lots of running back and forth...plenty of late nights...a few not so proud moments of forgetfulness.....and very few blogs.

Busyness is never a good excuse for is rather just a fact of life. And sorting out all the different phases in life is just one of the joys of growing up..and maturing... I'm sure I'll earn every gray hair I get.

Too long overdue

This is a post written, but never published from 2 years ago.. interesting to go through it again and see a little growth, but still some of the same battles. Lol!

It's been so long since I posted, that I'm sure I've been written off in blogging anonymity (is that a word??)... but for any who might still be checking in now and again...I should at least give you a reason.

In short, life it is always a changing. And frankly, the older I get the more tricky it gets to keep up with it all!

People have always asked me how it was to have 4 kids - all spread out in age so much. And I honesty could answer them that it really wasn't so hard.... I have great kids, who MOST of the time, get along pretty well - and enjoy hanging out with each other and even their old parents. And I never really felt it was any harder than having kids staggered 2 years apart, as is so fashionable.

Until now.

I've actually started feeling a little schizophrenic lately. In one day... I am putting band-aids (plasters to my South African friends) on my 7 year olds boo boo, then I'm discussing the nuances of bridal veils with my 20 year old. I'm running kids to swimming, then I'm accompanying eldest daughter and her lifelong buddy to the wedding venue to discuss menus and such.

Add to this my new found enjoyment in the whole "career woman" phase of life (which, I believe would have been a perfect match to the "mother of the bride" phase). The biggest problem is that I haven't yet finished the "PTA Mom" phase. And this phase is really really important - not for me, but for the little beings that I am entrusted with. And I also have the ever present part of me that enjoys the "Outreach Worker" phase - which isn't really a phase, but more of a forever part of who I am.

What happens when all of these phases collide in one cataclysmic moment? Lots of running back and forth...plenty of late nights...a few not so proud moments of forgetfulness.....and very few blogs.

Busyness is never a good excuse for is rather just a fact of life. And sorting out all the different phases in life is just one of the joys of growing up..and maturing... I'm sure I'll earn every gray hair I get.