Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Novelties of Lemon Snow

Who'd have thunk it!

Really and truly, this morning, we- living at 26 degrees south of the equator- woke up to SNOW! Not icy, nasty stuff, but real life, fluffy, cold snow. The kind that makes the perfect snowball!

It took Allison and Melody all of 5 minutes to leap out of bed jump into something resembling warm clothes, and run out the back door to try their hand at a good old fashioned snowball fight.

It was such an unexpected pleasure, certainly nothing we'd ever thought we'd be able to experience living here! In fact the last time it snowed here was 1981 - 26 years ago.

Isn't life just like that...

Just when you sort out what is expected...buckle down to do what needs to be done...adapt yourself to the changes that are coming at you...that some little unexpected thing happens. A special little "gift" that reminds you that life isn't all about work, or trouble, or difficulties. There are the joy moments that bring a smile and a little relief to what is ahead.

Some people have told me that I am a positive person.... They don't really know me, at least the whole me. In fact, there have been times that I have been far from that. Depressed. Disappointed. Frustrated. Even angry. I have had a complaining spirit, a grumpy outlook and a good old proper pity party.

About 10 years ago, I was in the midst of one of these times in my life when I was at the bottom of a very deep dark hole. I had a hard time even managing a smile, never mind a kind word. I'm sure my friends and family thought I'd gone over the deep end. It was in the middle of this darkness, that two friends of mine came alongside me, figuratively took me by the elbows and pointed me back toward the light.

I truly believe that God sent them to me.

It wasn't big words of wisdom they bestowed on me, or piles and piles of Scripture verses. It was just a simple lesson that I know God wanted me to learn.

No matter what life brings...count your blessings.

To use my lemon snow analogy...when life gives you lemons make lemonade!

Was this a matter of my own power over my darkness? Was this just an exercise in "the power of positive thinking" ? NO WAY!

It was a matter of taking stock... and putting things into perspective. Yes, life sometimes stinks.Yes, life is HARD. However, what do I have to be thankful for? Friends and Family who love me? A roof over my head? Food in my belly? Freedom to worship and do as I please? The list can really start to grow! And as I realize just how blessed I really am, those hard, difficult things in life start to seem a little less big. And I realize that I am being cared for.. by a Father who knows me, warts and all, and who will give me the strength to get over those challenges in life that can bring me down.

This was my reminder today... as I looked out my kitchen window at my lemon tree, all dusted with beautiful white snow, and realized that I am so very very glad for the unexpected pleasures God brings my way!

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