Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life is Fragile

When life is going well, why do we take so much for granted?

This week, I got to experience this lesson up close and personal!
It just took one simple leaning over my bed and lowering my laptop onto the floor...when crash!it slipped out of my hand and dropped about 5 inches.

I grimaced slightly, hoping the noise didn't wake David..rolled over and went to sleep. It wasn't until 10 am the next morning,when I needed to hurry and print an invoice for David that I found that my computer was not well... in fact it just was not..period.

My blissful life of orderly little folders with treasure troves of photos, images, writing...all gone. Oh, and did I mention 4 months of accounting documents for our new business? Sick just doesn't quite describe how I felt.

It's quite a reminder that life cannot be taken for granted! That deed undone (like, backing up those files on our external harddrive), or words unsaid can become the seeds of many years of regret and sadness.

Those promises made to ourselves when last we had that little reminder of mortality are so quickly forgotten when all is rosy and easy. It's more than just "smelling the roses" and enjoying more of a necessity to never, ever assume anything.

The days we have been given.. do we automatically presume that they are ours to control?
Or do we live each day as if it might be our last to enjoy, to share, to believe?
Do we realize that life is fragile, and precious, and while we mustn't live in fear, we also must never chose to procrastinate, to put off, what we know in our hearts we must do.

So, back up your hard drive...tell your family how important they are to you...don't put off for tomorrow what you know you must do today.
Most importantly - be sure that you have taken care of the most important thing...that you have placed your faith in something, SomeOne that is solid, true and faithful. So that on that day, when you have finished your life here on earth, you can walk confidently into heaven, knowing that you didn't put off what you knew in your heart to be true.

Jesus said,"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me"

(post script: one new harddrive, and one miracle later, we were able to retrieve a backup file off the old damaged harddrive, and my accounting records are up to date. I'm still missing all my email contacts, some photos and writing, but am counting my blessings for what we were able to save!)

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